
Youtube Video

[youtube video_id=”wSBIcNmCAX0″ width=”640″ height=”360″]
[box_title font_size=”15″ font_alignment=”center” border=”middle” border_color=”#CDCDCD”]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • video id: youtube video id
  • width: width of the video
  • height: height of the video

Vimeo Video

[vimeo video_id=”3109777″ width=”640″ height=”360″]
[box_title font_size=”15″ font_alignment=”center” border=”middle” border_color=”#CDCDCD”]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • video id: vimeo video id
  • width: width of the video
  • height: height of the video