Left alignment
Center alignment
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec blandit enim libero, quis tincidunt arcu.
[/box_section][box_section layout=”vertical” icon_type=”theme-icon” icon_theme=”align-right” icon_size=”40″ color=”#e9a400″ circle_size=”70″ color_circle=”#e9a400″ title=”ALIGN RIGHT”]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec blandit enim libero, quis tincidunt arcu.
- icon type: type of the icon(theme-icon or custom)
- icon url: url of the icon(if icon type is custom)
- icon theme: the awesome icon(if icon type is theme-icon)
- icon size: size of the awesome icon(if icon type is theme-icon)
- icon color: color of the awesome icon(if icon type is theme-icon)
- title: title of the blog section
- title size: type list of the title
- class: custom class added to the blog section
- link: url of the link
- link title: title of the link
- animate: animation type
- animation delay: the delay to which the animation starts
Left alignment
Center alignment
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec blandit enim libero, quis tincidunt arcu.
[/box_section][box_section layout=”vertical” icon_type=”theme-icon” icon_theme=”align-right” icon_size=”40″ color=”#e9a400″ circle_size=”70″ color_circle=”#e9a400″ title=”ALIGN RIGHT”]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec blandit enim libero, quis tincidunt arcu.
- icon type: type of the icon(theme-icon or custom)
- icon url: url of the icon(if icon type is custom)
- icon theme: the awesome icon(if icon type is theme-icon)
- icon size: size of the awesome icon(if icon type is theme-icon)
- icon color: color of the awesome icon(if icon type is theme-icon)
- title: title of the blog section
- title size: type list of the title
- class: custom class added to the blog section
- link: url of the link
- link title: title of the link
- animate: animation type
- animation delay: the delay to which the animation starts